Well I am back and am pleased to say that all went well with the graduation. I found my suit! Hurrah! I had, in my infinite wisdom, stored it in our lockup so I would have it safe for when I needed it! Great, except I have the world's worst memory so could not remember this little snippet of information!
Susan is well but a bit cheesed off. She needs occupation and is endeavouring to find some.
Our son will finally pick up his boat, which has been languishing in Shepperton Marina since he bought it in January, and sail it to his mooring this coming week. It needed some work done on it to make it Thames Water compatible and this has now been completed. He can soon start moving all his boxes out of the various hideholes he has them in and get his life together. He says he is not going to keep the psychedelic curtains. Shame.
We came home courtesy of American Airlines. It took thirty nine and a half hours to reach Anguilla from Heathrow. Technical problems with the plane in New York were followed by a medical emergency on the same flight. This led to our touching down in Bermuda to let the patient be taken to hospital. By the time we arrived in Puerto Rico to pick up our connection to Anguilla, it had long gone. We stayed overnight in the Intercontinental in Carolina, very nice. When we arrived for the flight home we had a further delay due to technical problems on board. The captain of the New York - San Juan flight had mentioned that the delays were longer because American Airlines have cut back on maintenance staff. Being on two flights by the same airline which both developed technical problems, and remembering back to November when Joe and I travelled (or tried to travel) to Miami with this airline and were left stranded for hours in Puerto Rico as there was not a serviceable plane for us, makes me think that there is something seriously wrong with this airline. If a spokeman for the company is reading this blog, it would be interesting to hear what the official line is.
This morning I have updated my website. This is a long overdue task which I had put off because there was a fault in my index page I did not know how to overcome. This morning I have spent hours sorting it out and the result is the new, more up to date website. I hope my tinkering with it will result in more hits. The address is: http://www.pennylegg.com/ if you would like to read the latest version. Let me know what you think.
Ok I think that is all for now. I have a million things to do, so had better go and do them!
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